
X-Naut Cooling Case for Apple iPad mini

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235,00 €
Verkoopprijs met korting:
Mini most common tablets (7"-8.5")

Mitigate overheating with this self-contained mount!

Apple iPads mini are amazing devices for pilots, but they can easily overheat - especially in direct sunlight. This ingenious new mounting system solves this persistent problem, with built-in fans to circulate cool air, specifically targeted at the iPad’s mini main hot spots. Leave your iPad mini mounted on the yoke or window and never worry about a sudden shutdown again.

X-Naut Cooling Case for Apple iPad mini 6 features:

·       Powered by 8x AA batteries or micro USB cable

·       Battery test button shows status of batteries

·       Spring loaded latch makes loading your iPad mini easy and secure

·       Avionics grade fans make little noise and move plenty of air

·       Weighs only 7 oz. without batteries

·       Compatible with RAM mounting systems

·       Electronics are dust and moisture resistant

Eight AA batteries provide over 10 hours of use, and the handy battery test button shows the status with a single click. The X-Naut can even be converted to a kneeboard.

Measures (HxWxD): 9.2" x 7" x 1.5".

Compatible with iPad mini 6.

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